Slowing Down Time

Today, I indulged in my first deep tissue massage. It was an experience that, prior to this moment, I would have shied away from in anticipation of the pain and discomfort that accompanies it. “I don’t really need this in my life”, I would say to myself. Yet, to my surprise, I found myself embracing and even enjoying the rollercoaster of uncomfortable sensations. This newfound willingness to dive into the unknown sparked a reflection on the nature of time and our perception of it.

As we journey through life, it’s natural to settle into routines, find our comfort zones and gradually close ourselves off to new things. We become accustomed to the ordinary, seeking out the security of the known and avoiding the risk of the unfamiliar. However, in doing so, we unwittingly contribute to the acceleration of time’s passage.

Time, that elusive force that governs our existence, seems to slip through our fingers with increasing speed as the years pass. Why does this happen? It’s not that time itself speeds up, but rather our perception of it that changes as we grow older.

Imagine the expanse of time as a vast ocean, each moment a droplet in its boundless depths. In our youth, we eagerly dive into it, each new experience a wave crashing over us with intensity and vitality. Every sensation, every emotion, magnified, stretching out before us like an endless horizon. But as we age, the ocean of time begins to diminish. We find ourselves navigating familiar currents, charting the same courses day after day. Routine becomes our compass, guiding us along well-worn paths that offer comfort and security, but very little surprise. In embracing the known, we inadvertently shrink the ocean of time, compressing its vastness into a mere puddle.

Children understand this innately. Every moment is an adventure, every experience a treasure waiting to be uncovered. They approach life with curiosity, eager to discover what’s around the next corner. Perhaps therein lies the secret to slowing the march of time—to embrace each moment with the same wonder as a child. It’s in these unfamiliar moments that we have an opportunity to experience surprise and delight anew, expanding the ocean of time before us and savoring every last drop.